Minggu, 15 Juni 2014

Pura Desa Kehen Cempaga

There are thousands of temples in Bali, all of which are always interesting to visit because each has its own uniqueness and history, such as the Temple Kehen Cempaga located in the village, Bangli Bangli district. There are thousands of temples in Bali, all of which are always interesting to visit because each has its own uniqueness and history, such as the Temple Kehen Cempaga located in the village, Bangli Bangli district.

Pura Kehen a universe that has a celestial temple at the entrance of the uniqueness of the temple is not shaped like a temple Bentar celestial universe at large temple but temple-shaped brackets, but it also has another uniqueness of this temple is the presence of Bale Kulkul above banyan tree that supposedly hundreds of years old according to a story when one branch is the sign Petah disaster will occur, so it is becoming an interesting of Pura's will.

This temple is a place of worship for Hindus who regularly conduct ceremonies every six months, exactly on Day Pagerwesi and large ceremony held Ngusaba god once every three years. In addition, there are other small ceremonies such as ritual of Saraswati, Ulian Sugimanik, Purnama, Tilem, as well as Buddhist Kajeng POND POND.

Until now there has been established when the temple Kehen made, but based on the three inscriptions were found, written in 1204 AD figures. The Kehen word comes from the term "cool" or fire place associated with the first inscription that mentions the words Hyang Api, Hyang Karinama, Hyang marks and names of monks.

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