Minggu, 15 Juni 2014

History of Bali Barong Landung

History of the Barong Landung embodies the Balinese king, King Jaya Pangus who marry a Chinese woman named Kang Wei Cing. King Jaya Pangus embodied in Barong Landung ditokohkan with a large stuffed black and ronggoh teeth, while the daughter Kang Wei Cing ditokohkan tall and slender with beautiful doll eyed and smiling countenance similar to a Chinese. King Jaya Pangus that reigned in Pejeng unknown in Bali at the time of the dynasty Warmadewa paparaton, accompanied by a powerful and wise Bhagavan named professor Siwagana. Marriage with the daughter of King Jaya Pangus China already occurred but Sang Hyang Bhagawanta not approve the marriage.

Sri Jaya Pangus accused of having violated customs very taboo at the time, which has the daring to marry a beautiful Chinese princess named Kang Wei Cing it. Siwagana masters and punish King Jaya Pangus to make heavy rain and make the kingdom became a flood and drowned. Although perkawinanya not sanctioned by God, he still loves his wife was a Chinese. King Jaya Pangus finally go and make a new kingdom called the kingdom Balingkang. This name is a blend of Balinese word = bali, and Kang = China. King later dubbed by the people as Dalem Balingkang. Unfortunately, as long they do not have offspring, the king went to Mount Batur, appealed to the gods in there that was awarded child. But unfortunately, on his way he met his beautiful Goddess Danu. He was hooked, married, and gave birth to a boy who was very famous until now that Maya Danawa.

Meanwhile, Kang Wei Cing long wait for her husband's home, became restless, he was determined to catch up to Mount Batur. But there, in the middle of a charming wilderness, he is surprised when finding her husband had belonged to Dewi Danu. The three then engage a heated argument.

Dewi Danu fiery angrily accuse the king had previously lied to him by claiming as a virgin. With its power, Dalem Balingkang and Kang Wei Cing obliterated from the face of this earth. By the people who love her, both husband and wife "Dalem Balingkang and Kang Wei Cing" was then created sculptures known as Bhati Stasura and Infertility. The statue is then developed into Barong Landung.

Regarding the history of dance Barong Landung other versions, the antiquity of the crash in a village, many residents are falling ill. As a hereditary belief that is causing a lot of falling ill is a "leak" followers of the evil queen in the form of a huge giant named Ratu Gde Nusa Penida Mecaling. To cope with the outbreak of sense arises from a pastor to make a doll that resembles Queen Gde Mecaling as the leak repellent. If this goes Barong Landung ngelawang especially when there is no outbreak or the vows having been cured of the disease, due to interference Gde Mecaling Queen of Nusa Penida can be expelled.

See Barong dance dance Landung as a big giant doll, named Djero and Djero Luh Gde. Djero described as a giant human Gde very spooky and laughing out loud while Djero Luh is a great lady figure slanted eyes but often amusing. Based on the belief that history, the presence of Barong Landung alive and staged to date. Barong Landung also sacred in some temples in Bali one of them in the village of Gianyar Blahbatuh because it is believed to have supernatural abilities to repel calamity of all calamities of disease.

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